
An application to allow KPMP data managers to review and promote files between the Data Lake and the Knowledge Environment / Atlas.


List of the repositories required to run this application.
Repository Description
orion-data This is the service layer for the Data Lake Uploader (and is also the service layer for the Data Manager Dashboard).
libra-web This is the GUI layer for the Data Manager Dashboard.
heavens-docker This repository holds all of the docker containers and docker-compose scripts for running our applications.
stateManagerService This service is used to manage the state of packages as they travel through the Data Lake to the Knowledge Environment.
eridanus-data This service is used to notify our staff of events within the system.

Data Stores

Collection Name Description
packages Collection that contains the metadata for packages uploaded to the Data Lake. There is an object reference (via the submitter attribute) to entries in the users collection. A minimal example json structure exists in orion-data/data/packages-template.json. The application is designed to allow for any number of additional attributes.
state Collection of all states a package has passed through. An example json structure exists in orion-data/data/state-template.json.